Mark is only 3 years old. He was born and raised in Moscow, but he currently resides in Uzbekistan with his parents. The boy is in desperate need of our help.

Initially, Mark was a healthy child and was progressing normally. However, at the age of 7 months, he rapidly developed Vesta syndrome, which is one of the most severe forms of childhood epilepsy. Within two months, Mark's health deteriorated dramatically. He became an immobile infant with a vacant expression, losing all physical and mental abilities, including the ability to chew food. The disease continued to progress, eventually leading to the loss of his sight and hearing.

When Mark reached 11 months, he underwent a month-long course of pulse therapy involving hormones, which managed to halt the regression but unfortunately did not address epilepsy. Mark continued to suffer from seizures. Genetic testing revealed that he has a rare genetic disorder known as Alkuraya-Kuchinskas syndrome with a mild phenotype. Although this condition is not yet fully understood, there is hope for Mark's recovery.

In early 2021, when Mark turned 1 year old, he began receiving care from Dr Russi, a renowned specialist at the Teknon Clinic in Barcelona, Spain. Dr Russi has already helped numerous children with similar diseases. Using a special technique, the doctor prescribed individualized medications for Mark. After the first medication, Mark displayed emotions and regained the ability to swallow food and water normally.

With the subsequent introduction of the second and third medications, Mark's vision partially returned by the age of two, and he could sit and chew on his own. Over the course of two years of treatment, there has been significant improvement in Mark's condition. However, the epileptic focus in his brain, triggering discharges every 8 seconds, hinders his development.

To address this, the boy requires high-tech brain surgery at the Teknon Clinic. The effectiveness of the procedure decreases as time passes after the age of 3. Currently, Mark is 3 years and 5 months old. We urgently need to raise 105,109 euros for his treatment as soon as possible.

Please, click the "Help" button and make any donation you can. Let's join forces to transform Mark's life for the better!